An Author’s Massive Influence

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For a long time, writers have had a large influence on people’s opinions. In fact, 18th century writers and philosopher like John Locke were able to spread their ideas through their books on economics and politics. Still to this day, writers can influence a reader to agree or disagree with an idea by presenting the information in different styles. In the news article, “Locke and Load: The Fatal Error of the ‘Stand Your Ground’ Philosophy” by Firmin Debrabander, the author argues that weapons are not being used safely and when necessary. Debrabander uses the information in a style that influences the audience to be against Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” law, where Floridians can shoot to kill if they feel threatened. Ultimately, the article is persuasive because the author uses strong supporting current events, manipulates the reader, and disproves parts of the opposition. In the article, Debrabander describes real events in the article that strongly supports the article’s argument and persuades the audience towards his point of view. For example, Debrander starts out the article by explaining the Dunn-Davis case, which was about a man, named Michael Dunn, who decided to “open fire into a car full of black teenagers in a convenience store parking lot” when the teenagers refused to lower the, as Dunn called it, “thug music” (Debrander 1). By starting the article with this event, Debrander is able to show the reader how teenageers are dying from becuase of this law. Since Debrander wants to make the situation feel even more severe, he continues by talking about the Reeves-Oulson case. Next, Debrander describes how a retired policeman, Curtis Reeves, shot Oulson, who was sitting in the movie theater, for texting and throwing... ... middle of paper ... ...ander proves Lapierre’s and Locke’s ideas wrong because it shows the weakness in the opposing argument. The author, in “Locke and Load: The Fatal Error of the ‘Stand Your Ground’ Philosophy,” argues that Florida’s Stand-Your-Ground law is very flawed. The author includes influential stories in his article that support his argument. He also manipulates the reader in order to cheat them into thinking his argument is right. Lastly, Debrander disproves the opposing argument in his article which shows the reader that the opposition is weak. Debrander’s opposition shows how an author can influence a viewer to believe their viewpoint by manipulating the information. In conclusion, Debrander uses different styles and methods of persuasion like good examples, disproving the opposing argument, and manipulated the reader in his article which makes the article very persuasive.

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