Freedom And Negative Emotions

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8. You Have Freedom I can 't pretend to know what not having freedom is like, but I do know that those of us who have freedom to do what we want, be what we want, and say what we want should be very grateful that we can. Even if you only have partial freedom, it is still better than having no freedom at all. Moreover, having freedom to be yourself in your relationships and community is a blessing. You don 't have to pretend to be someone who you are not. You don 't have to do things solely for other people and not pay attention to your likes, dislikes, and interests. You get to choose what you do with your day! (Hint: Choose to be happy and have fun!) And if you are a woman, this is especially true. An article was just published about what women can 't do is Saudi Arabia yet, and while this is not the only country where limitations apply, it is definitely worth remembering that women there can 't …show more content…

Each day offers new possibilities for your present and your future. Keep your eyes open and make the most out of them! 14. Your Negative Emotions When it comes to things to be grateful for, negative emotions is not something that many people list off, but the truth is you should be grateful! If you didn 't have negative emotions, then there would be something seriously wrong with you. Trying to work towards only having positive thoughts can be so frustrating. It 's impossible unless you have no compassion for yourself and other people around you, or if you are void of fear. Negativity occurs when we feel frustrated, hurt, fearful, or angry. Don 't be ashamed of your negative emotions. Use them to understand yourself and the people around you better, and be thankful that you have a built-in navigator to help you understand when things are not working right in your life and changes need to be

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