An Analysis Of Sonny's Blues By James Baldwin

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James Baldwin's "Sonny's Blues" tells the story of two brothers who come to understand each other. More specifically, it highlights, the distress from its two main characters, and the two sides of a black man in a Harlem World. Sonny must find an outlet for the deep pain and suffering that his status as an outsider defines him. Sonny channels his suffering into music, especially bebop jazz and the blues, developed by African-American musicians. Because we sympathize with Sonny, the drug addict in the story, rather than with his brother, the narrator, "Sonny's Blues" presents a different concept of a picture of drug use as a means of coping with sorrow and fear.
Sonny has been through a lot whether it’s the neighborhood corrupting him or whether …show more content…

Playing the piano tortures him, drives him, and keeps him going all at the same time. Music is really Sonny's lifeblood. And the music he plays at the end of the story is "the blues." As Creole reminds Sonny and the rest of the musicians at the club, what they're playing is not happy music, it's soulful music, it's "blues" music. So, the "blues" just like in the title might be about Sonny's emotions, but they might also refer to the music he plays. As I hinted at the title I also realize that jazz/blues music is Sonny’s safe haven and it can either trap him or set him free depending on how he would want to move on with his life and the musicians that he is a part of. “All I know about music is that not many people ever really hear it. And even then, on the rare occasions when something opens within, and the music enters, what we mainly hear or hear corroborated, are personal, private, vanishing evocations. But the man who creates the music is hearing something else, is dealing with the roar rising from the void and imposing order on it as it hits the air.” That statement alone gives me the idea that jazz is a very deep and touching kind of music genre that you would have to feel pain in order to understand and interpret certain things that’s how you play the instruments such as the fiddle or piano in jazz, its soulful. Jazz really became a part of Sonny and he basically needed it to

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