An Analysis Of E. B. White's Essay Once More To The Lake

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In E.B. Whites essay "Once More to the Lake," he states "none of us ever thought there was any place in the world like that lake in Maine." This adds to the because he obviously had a great time by becoming a salt-water man, and returning to the lake summer after summer. Another detail E.B. White gave about the lake is "The lake had never been what you would call a wild lake." I believe he's saying the lake is a peaceful place to maybe relax or hang out. Another detail E.B. White gave about his essay was "The lake was exactly where we had left it, the same number of inches from the dock." In my opinion, he's saying the undisturbed lake never goes out of it's own boundaries; the lake stays put. When E.B. White implied his phrase "the chill

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