An Analysis Of David Granson's 'Trial By Fire'

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Why the innocent…?
"Trial by Fire" is an article by David Grann, which is about Todd Willingham who was convicted of setting a fire and killing his young children.This case received a lot of attention as there was evidence that he was innocent. Grann showed that through his article where he started by presenting the evidence of arson investigators in a persuasive way that when you are throughout the first section you are likely to be convinced that Willingham was guilty. However, throughout the rest of the article by the appearance of Gilbert who is a writer who agreed to help Willingham with his case and Hurst who is an experienced scientist who based investigation on scientific basis and the difference between their approaches and interoperations toward information from arson investigators may result in changing our way of thinking about the case. What led to Willingham's conviction and execution was a pattern of flawed thinking associated with the absence of scientific thinking.
First of all, we see what scientific thinking looks like with Hurst. He played a unique role by proving that arson investigators findings were invalid which are that the fire was as a result of an accelerant and that Willingham was guilty and he was the one who commit it, Vasqez and Fogg the fire investigators were so convinced and relying on the wrong idea that it was arson without even testing it which is considered as junk science and had no basis of reality. Hurst observed the case from a science perspective. That was supported by what K.C.Cole who is a science writer mentioned that scientific knowledge and thinking in a scientific way improves the ability of seeing. Also, He looked at each piece and tested and researched it and the original invest...

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...ade a difference in Willingham case. That what Hurst showed that he was able to falsify arson findings and prove that it wasn't arson. However, there are many other factors. For example, such cases showed be viewed from different perspectives and questions should be raised about each evidence. Lack of complexity and the expectations that are contaminated with beliefs might have led to the biases and unproven assumptions. Also, Gilbert's thoroughness showed weaknesses in the original investigation and the police by showing the importance of asking questions and skepticism and not just believe what experts are telling you. However, the original investigators and police findings were affected by expectations and beliefs that it was arson; even Willingham's lawyer didn't do much to slow things down. That suggests the power of the shared idea that Willingham was guilty.

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