Amusing Ourselves To Death: Short Essays

528 Words2 Pages

I think what he means is we are so caught up in technology that we do not have time to do what we want. When was the last time that any one of us has gone and done a new hobby without technology? We are so stuck in keeping up on the latest thing that we are not seeing what is really important. It is a problem because soon people will be so dependent on technology doing things for them that they will not know how to do it themselves. For example, arts and crafts, learning how to play a piano, or making new recipes, etc. is what is so fun about taking a break from technology because you can learn these activities and enjoy doing it. I would have to say the person who is putting the commercial, show, or podcast together is the person responsible. It is their organizing that will make the viewer understand the information or not. It is their job to get the information across to us.

If people started selling information as a want or need there could be a lot of broke people. A major issue is how valuable is that information? Are people willing to pay a lot for what they want to know? Or,...

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