Amos Andy Radio Advertising Analysis

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During a time of ecomonic downfall, radio would take center stage and change the lives of many. “Radio, moreover, was in a utopian ohase, and it’s destiny seemed to be the uplift of the human condition, not selling toothpaste (86).” During this time in history, it seemed like a shot in the dark that radio could be an effective advertising platform. However, the discovery of Amos ‘n’ Andy sitcom was going to revolutionize the radio industry while capturing the attention of many. Radio had provided cultural developments of Amercian advertising during the 1930’s.
1.Radio would be that outlet that people would turn to for an espace during the Great Depression. Radio became the new mass media that brought people together while providing enterntainment, drama and suspense. “During the height of the Amos ‘n’ Andy craze, that happened every day, and consequently the 7 p.m. time slot, according to reports, began to influence the schedule of everything (90).” Many businesses such as hotels, restaurants and move theaters would broadcast the segment. Amos ‘n’ Andy provided great entertainment that successfully used advertising which in turn brought in more sales. “The power of Amos ‘n’ Andy- an enterainment offering- to bring in giant audiences willing to hear advertising (92).”
Radio …show more content…

Radio just like the Superbowl, had a way of getting millions of people together to tune in at one particular time. The radio, along with the Superbowl, contain both entertainment/ talent while successfully throwing advertising to consumers. Both the radio and Superbowl profit from companies that provide advertising which, in turn, boosts sales for that company. Radio advertisments were used to target mainly women, whereas, Superbowl ads target both men and women. A major difference between Radio and Superbowl is the news coverage. Radio, at any point, provides news stories while the Superbowl focuses on a game. Radios competition was newspapers while the Superbowls was social media

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