Literary Analysis: How To Tell A True War Story

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The number one thing that comes to mind when I think of a war story is American Sniper. It would be the perfect example of what someone would think of. It shows the things that Chris Kyle went through while he was fighting in the war and the adjustment that he had when he returned home from the war. Even before the movie came out when I heard of someone returning home from being away at war the thing that came to mind was them dealing with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Not everyone that come home from serving in the war does not deal with PTSD, but media makes you think that it affects everyone. According to Tim O’Brien’s “How to Tell a True War Story” the things that our minds go to are not even true war stories. He says that when you hear …show more content…

Song of Roland is more about the soldiers being sent to fight and the things that are happening to them rather than a reflection that they have looking back on the events. The events in Song of Roland are more of a narrative story of how Ganelon betrays his stepson, Roland. This story meets none of the requirements that O’Brien feels that it takes to have a true war story. There is no part in Song of Roland that would embarrass the person who is listening to the story. Some of the things that happen in the story make you feel bad for the people that had to go through all these things. Getting someone into their feelings is something that I think that O’Brien is trying to lead his viewers away from. When someone begins telling a war story most of the time it makes the audience feel sorry for the person that had to go through that experience and be thankful for the life that they have, not having to go through those types of …show more content…

Even though it tries to paint the picture of hero, I do not see Roland as a hero. If he would have just let go of his pride and would not have been so boastful his men’s lives might have been saved and could have returned home. The reason that modern day war stories are made to make the star a hero is because that is what we crave in movies now. We want to be able to praise someone for their service, but this could be hurting the individual because the experience is always being brought up and not on their

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