American Sign Language Research Paper

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American Sign Language or ASL was made in the early 19th century in the American School for the Deaf in Hartford, Connecticut, from a condition of verbal communication. Ever since then, ASL use has spread extensively by way of schools for the deaf and deaf community organizations. ASL is a comprehensive, intricate language that employs gestures made by moving the hands shared with facial expressions and poses of the body. It is the key language of many North Americans who are deaf and is one of numerous communication alternatives used by people who are deaf or hard-of-hearing. A glaring reward is the experience you will receive in adapting you lectures to help fit the individual students’ needs. By learning to adapt this ensures that you will be on the way to making sure the student meets all the necessary academic standards. For instance some accommodations you could make for the individual is using lots of visual aids, sitting the student closest to you so they could read your lips things of that nature. You could also create an outline for the entire class ahead of time so that the student can easily go along with the class. The reward not only goes to you as a teacher but to the other students in your classroom. Teaching a deaf or hearing impaired …show more content…

This enhances the learning capability for all children not just the Traveller students. As a teacher one should find a way to celebrate their vast history and way of life and to make sure they are effectively integrated into the classroom culture. As sort of a way to smooth in transition you could pair up a younger Irish Traveller with an “older brother/sister” in the classroom. This could prove effective because, older siblings are usually given the obligation of looking after younger siblings. Also, since schooling is new to them, always strive to give encouragement because there will be struggles due to lack of formal

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