American Religion Research Paper

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Throughout American history religion has been the underline foundation for the United States. Within the war, the establishing of the U.S. and even slavery, religion has something to do with everything. There are many different religions in the United States alone. There are Puritans, Baptist, Christians, Methodist, Presbyterians and many more. But in this essay, I will only be discussing the Christians, Puritans and Presbyterians. Showing how they have impact the United States in many ways.
Once America was found, Christianity began to spread like wildfire. Spreading all through Europe and Asia, encouraging more and more people to join and accept Christ as their savior. Once Christianity became well known, Christianity became one of the religions …show more content…

The way Puritans thought were, hard work and self-discipline would bring you closer to God. So, to Puritans a person who is sinful can only achieve good by hard work, self-discipline and self-examination. When a child was being disobedient they were more likely to be sent to their rooms than to be whoop by their mother or father. That way the child can think about what they did wrong and correct it on their own, also known as self-discipline. That caused a good influence on the United States so that people will learn at a young age to take responsibilities for their actions, then when they become an adult it should come natural. One thing that was a bad influence on the United States was how the Puritan men treated their women. Anything the women owned before they were married, now the men owns everything. Even if the men were to die during the marriage the things he owned, their widowed wives still wouldn’t own anything. They would beat and treat their wives anyway they wanted, until women began to take a stand and wouldn’t allow it no …show more content…

Not only did the soldiers have faith in God to win the battles but the Generals did too. The wives of the army men would pray to their higher power that their husbands would return home safely. The generals and army men would pray to win the war. Women, men and children would pile into the church on Sunday mornings praising God’s name. Praying to get through the week, praying to make it through the year and praying for their children and many more other things. People had this faith to keep them pushing forward, all because of religion. Without religion, the United States wouldn’t be what it is

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