American Psycho Election 2016 Summary

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American Psycho, Election 2016, and the Entropy of the American Dream

The ‘80’s described in the book were a time of excess, immorality, and sloth. They were also significantly a time when the American Dream, as originally described was one of hardwork and charismatic patriotism, changed to one of excess and moral competition. In this, the human persona became more animalistic; so begins this discourse with a genius line from the main character of American Psycho, Patrick Bateman, “There wasn't a clear, identifiable emotion within me, except for greed and, possibly, total disgust. I had all the characteristics of a human being -- flesh, blood, skin, hair -- but my depersonalisation was so intense, had gone so deep, that the normal ability …show more content…

Politicians are people, that today, one thinks of as automatically fitting these requirements. Election 2016, is only in May, and already, candidates are insulting each other as if it was late October in election season. To begin with, the primary convention began with the infamous Trump speech where he insulted a lot of people. Then, Trump insulted veterans, Sen. John McCain imparticular. He said he likes people who “haven’t been captured.” Normally, a GOP candidate would not insult a GOP senator that isn’t even running for President. This behavior was animalistic. As referenced by Mark Cuban, about the 2016 primary season, he said, “I think it just shows how tribal the United States has become. I don’t even think we’re partisan anymore; I think we’re tribal. And Donald has got that whole ‘what about me’ tribe running behind him and he’s excited them to come out and vote for him.” This tribal behavior continued as Trump insulted a disable reporter and literally everybody he didn’t like. However, this behavior in politics isn’t new, it’s just that Trump attached these insults directly to himself. For example, in the 2000 GOP Primary Season, future President George W. Bush’s campaign spread a rumor that Sen. John McCain had fathered an illegitimate child. In the 2008 Dem Primary Season, former Sen. Hillary Clinton accused future President Barack Obama of supporting drug use, like marijuana. Clinton …show more content…

Is this because of Donald Trump? Mark Cuban thinks so, “Donald Trump is going to run the Seinfeld campaign—it’s going to be the campaign about nothing.” Transitively, Donald Trump, running the Seinfeld campaign is also running the American Psycho campaign. As evidenced by the fact that Trump won his party’s nomination and is leading in the new Rasmussen Poll by 5 points against Former First Lady Hillary Clinton, the American people want a political outsider and someone who, as quoted by Gov. Chris Christie “tells it like it is.” Who besides Trump fits these requirements, the answer: Patrick

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