American Government Failure

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The thirteen colonies were trying to be independent from Britain, and they tied to show that by having their own government system. It was not the best system, but it was a start of their own independent system. It was more like a fail rather. There were numerous reasons why it was one of America’s biggest government failures in history. Americans at the time were not very fond of a strong federal government because they thought that being independent and having strong state governments was a good idea, so it was difficult to grow as nation under the Articles of Confederation. Several problems happened during the short reign of the government failure all because the power was given mostly to the states instead of having a strong central government, …show more content…

Besides that, there was the failure of keeping a singular form of currency, which made it even worse for nationwide and foreign trade. Another thing Congress could not do was the power of taxation. Since the states had most of the government power, they had the right to tax. Congress could not get the funds from the states, and because of that, they could not pay off their debts. Really, this whole former United States was not really united. It was disorganized because there was no strong central government, and it lead to the fact that there was not really much central leadership. There was no official chief executive like a president to keep in contact with other foreign countries. Foreigners, especiallyEngland, did not know who to address. This government system may have been America’s first system to show independence that they can be their own nation, but obviously, there was corruption. They may have taken the independent powers too far since the states were basically on their own and Congress, or the central government, did not have much control besides dealing with the issues outside the nation and not

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