American Dream Motivation

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Through out human history we have been motivated to do great things. We have been motivated to build great cities, great armies and even great leaps in technology all to insure a great future. People have been motivated to do this by various things related to their culture. The American Dream is one of these such things. It inspired out youth to become adults by giving them hope and motivation, a picture of where they can go, and an end goal of where they become an adult in life. In the past people have done great things with hope. It is one of the strongest things man kind ever created. It gives us a light in the dark and fire in the rainiest of situations. The American Dream gives the youth of every generation hope for their future and …show more content…

Each one different and specific to every person who believes in it. Everyone has a picture in their mind or at least an idea of where they can go in their life. It could be anything from owning an apartment and raising a family with a partner to buying a home and adopting a kid or two to make a family. Attempting to reach those goals is the first milestone of adulthood. This is also where generations of youth get derailed. In Katherine S. Newman’s article, The Accordion Family : Boomerang Kids, Anxious Parents, and The Privet Toll Of Global Competition, she talked about some of the ways this happens. “Families double up when misfortune hits a family member” (Page 84). After college, sometime during, students burn out, or are unable to find work after obtaining their degree. They are financially unstable and are at whits end. Some kids are just not ready to be fully independent due to helicopter parents always managing their lives for them. It is at this time they move back in with their parents. “If you live in your parents basement to get something in the long run thats fine. Living their because you do not want to become an adult is not.” (Page 86). The youth of each generation are use to a high standard of living from living with their parents. Some kids choose to change their picture of where they can go from becoming independent and supporting their selfs to mooching off of mom and dad. Their are many reasons why

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