American Dream Injustice Essay

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With So Much Injustice, Is the American Dream Even Alive? In 1996, high-schoolers were more likely to feel that wealth wasn’t a ticket to happiness, and a lack of opportunity might even have character-building advantages. By contrast, the 2011 group tended to think that wealth made people happier overall, it affords them material goods, (Pinsker). The American Dream is not accessible because of social class and injustice regarding intellectual disability. Others may claim that the American Dream is indeed accessible because of a strong work ethic and setting reachable standards, everyone for themselves. Although a strong determination is good, racial inequality does hold many back and reaching standards has a money barrier on it for …show more content…

In the article “Teenagers Are Losing Confidence in the American Dream” a student that was interviewed said “‘You can always work hard, but if you aren't given the opportunity or you don't have the funds to be able to continue working hard then you never get the chance to get out of where you are’” (Pinsker). The student that answered this way seems confident that it is hard to move up in life if not financially supported. They believe without money or the, unlikely, perfect opportunity, achieving the ultimate goal is unreachable. This was also claimed in Pinsker’s article “‘The American Dream 2.0’ In this version, anyone can go to college IF they have the resources, are OK going into debt, can somehow get the coveted scholarship, are willing to go to community college, or come from a family of means.” This is that same idea that if succeeding is not possible without wealth or an improbable advancement. Saying if college is going to be attended, a lot of money is needed, if a scholarship is going to assist a financial account, it’s very unlikely, achieving a lot at a community college is unlikely. Pinsker’s article claims that if anyone has a dream they would like to fulfil, money is necessary to get there because the chance of getting there otherwise, is

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