American Culture: Similarities Between American And Indian Culture

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Imagine living in a world where your culture is not primarily dominant, and other individuals do not identify as the equal to you. Existing with a diverse set of populations, America has become a melting pot of various cultures; each one existing uniquely in its own respect; no two cultures are similar. Culture distinguishes one societal group from another through beliefs, behaviors, language, traditions, art, food, and religion, and politics. Patterns of behavior and thinking have been shaped through culture by the continually, altering process of learning, creativity, and thinking, which differs among females and males. The purpose of culture is so profound that it creates every aspect of who and what individuals are, producing an identity for oneself. Thus, the cultural environment an individual matures in is very crucial to their identity. …show more content…

The Indian culture is family oriented and place family values first, while American culture is more individual oriented and place their individuals values first. Also, the expectation between females and males in the American and Indian society contrast greatly, since the Indian society is predominantly patriarchal. Thus, Indian woman are in lower status compared to an Indian man. Indian woman that are raised in the American culture and Indian culture have both aspects of each culture making their identity very unique. The identity of an Indian woman reflects and complements the collective lifestyle of her family, culture, religious symbolism, and role expectations. Therefore, growing up as an Indian Hindu female in America affects identity through experiencing the Indian and American culture

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