American Culture And Its Impact On My Family

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I originate from a long history of different cultures and societies. I will start with my father’s family of experiences, from him and my grandmother growing up on the Hawaiian Islands. My grandmother lived in Hawaii when it was only a territory. Her expectations growing up were to attend school and keep up with her father’s expectations of being a tennis player. She had a challenging time with her expectations of being a homemaker, an athlete and experiences of segregation from a Hawaiian stand point. Our ancestors where forced to diminish their native norms and had expectations to live an American life style. My grandmother always felt pushed to be like the wealthy Americans when all she desired to do was go surfing and dance hula. She rebelled quite often and ended up marrying a Navy man who continued to discriminate against her and continue the norms of inequality of women. From there she moved to the mainland and my father grew up in Granite falls Washington. The eighties impacted my society and those I interact with today. …show more content…

What comes along with that lifestyle still impacts my family today. I did not have a choice to hear the “rock-n-roll” and the partying that came with it, but my brothers had struggle the hardest, living in poverty and trying to keep up with the social norm in Lake Stevens. As a family we should have experienced more stability with the resources given to our family, but was abused by my parent’s choices, leaving my brothers and I with no assets. What comes along with life style is what shaped me today, the drug abused which is a nation epidemic. Being inherited with the American lifestyle is toxic and has killed too many people I have known. The patterns are the same, the recurring events that happen with individuals who abuse

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