Our Culture Of Fatherlessness By David Blankenhorn: Book Analysis

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In David Blankenhorn’s book written in 1995, he brings to light what he calls “America’s fundamental problem”: our culture of fatherlessness. Our modern day view of fathers is that they are unnecessary both in society and in the upbringing of a child. Blankenhorn argues the contrary: the only way to solve the multitude of social problems present in America is to address the common denominator, the decline of fathers and the shrinking importance of fatherhood. Blankenhorn’s book is split into three parts: Part I: Fatherlessness, Part II: The Cultural Script and Part III: Fatherhood. In Fatherlessness, he provides the history of fatherhood and includes statistics that help to illustrate the transition of the father from head of the household to being “almost entirely a Sunday institution” (pg. 15). The Cultural Script dedicates a chapter to each type of father Blankenhorn identifies in American culture. The eight “paternal characters” Blankenhorn identifies are as follows: the …show more content…

Blankenhorn wants men to be the center of the family financially, physically and morally. Feminists are fighting for the opposite; what he describes as “The New Father”. Feminists want androgyny in household and familial work, equal power between the genders but Blankenhorn says that this is destructive to the entire idea of family. Firstly, androgyny in the home would disrupt the already unstable role of a father. Second and most importantly, without strict gender roles, family becomes improvisation. There would be no distinctions between a mother’s work and a father’s work so within each familial unit, who does what work would vary. This is dangerous because it loops back into the idea that fathers aren’t necessary. If anyone can be the breadwinner, the protector, the educator, then there is no real purpose of the father, which is the problem mentality that we are trying to

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