America as a Divided Society in the 1920s

1920 Words4 Pages

America as a Divided Society in the 1920s

America was born from immigrants and during the 1920's it was called a

'melting pot' due to the increase in social, political and economic

differences from all these new races. During the 1920's, America went

through a number of test cases to determine to what extent America was

divided. It was obvious that America was gong through some changes as

it had just emerged from the Great War as the world's leading

superpower. Although there were an immense amount of change in all

aspects of society-socially, politically and economically-there was

evidence that America did want to be united. These encompassed

Prohibition. The first test case America went through was the treaty

of Versailles and the League of Nations. Its outcome would enable us

to see America's view on foreign affairs, mainly to do with Europe.

The influx of immigrants had an effect on society which led to the

Palmer Raids and finally the Sacco and Vanzetti case which exemplified

the statement, 'was America a divided society?'. Also the Great

Migration of blacks showed disunity as the division between WASPs

(White Anglo Saxon Protestants) and the backs grew and also the spread

of the Ku Klux Klan activity spreading with the increase in foreigners

and blacks to new parts of America. Another issue that concerned the

statement was the division of wealth as the WASPs seemed to have the

majority of the wealth with blacks and new immigrants at the bottom of

the pile. Their was also exploitation of the blacks and immigrants by

empire leaders as they were a cheap, unskilled replaceable labour

force. There is an obvious discrepancy between w...

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...wards anarchists showed that it

realised it was divided. The immigration laws also show this and that

Americawanted to prevent it becoming anymore divided.

The statement, 'to what extent was America in the 1920's a divided

society', is concluded with the fact that there many aspects of

American life that there was at least a small division, but there were

areas where there were big divisions, especially with their attitude

towards immigrants, blacks and the division of wealth. It also failed

to uphold its image of being the 'land of the free' and was not able

to conceal the disparity between what it wanted to be and what it was.

But they were not fully divided as they stayed united with their

thoughts in the League of Nations and in prohibition. America was a

'melting pot' of races which had a series of cracks in it.

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