America First Speech Analysis

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Analyzing “America First” By Donald Trump
“America First” was a speech written and given by the then Republican presidential candidate Mr. Donald Trump. He delivered this speech to not only the group of supportive followers at his rally in Washington D.C., but also to those watching at home on their television. Mr. Trump’s speech was carefully crafted in a particular format that would outline his main topic points and ideas that he felt need to be addressed and managed more efficiently in order to bring America back to the great nation it was once known to be. These main ideas and problem topics included situations like over using and destroying our given resources, how our legally bonded partners that we defend are not paying for that …show more content…

Donald Trump’s speech, he has found many different methods that showed and demonstrated ways for him to keep the audience awake and not falling asleep on him. The most affective motion that not only Mr. Trump uses but the majority of every other speech presenter uses is the use and distribution of hand motions. Now, Mr. Trump has had a little bit excessive and also rude moments with some of his hand gestures. These hand gestures have caused him to be accused of mocking disabled reporters. These claims have been argued back and forth whether or not he was doing this intentionally or if it was just a visual representation of miscellaneous motions. In this speech, however, he uses his hand motions to keep the audience in check by using methods of throwing his hands in the air to dramatically emphasize a foreseen problem that needs to be dealt with or using his hands to show levels like if the national debt is to high he raised his hand high above him then demonstrated that the debt needed to be lowered by lowering his hand to around waist level. Other gestures or actions the he does include not just standing behind his podium but walking around and trying to get to the level of his audience to be more

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