Ambrose Bierce's An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge

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Ambrose Bierce’s “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” is a short story that takes place during the Civil War. Peyton Farquhar was sentenced to hanging after attempting to tamper with a railroad bridge (84). Events unfold throughout the story to make the theme seem to be about escapism. But, Bierce uses literary elements to connect a theme that is hidden until the end of the story. The use of symbols, irony, and narration develop the theme that conscious thoughts can take over reality. Bierce flourishes in applying symbols throughout the story. An underlying symbol in the story is the railroad bridge. The introduction of the story starts with “A man stood upon a railroad bridge in northern Alabama” (83). This bridge symbolizes the gap between the union and confederate soldiers during the Civil War (85). Since the man committed a crime during this era, he was subject to be hanged. Before the hanging occurred, Peyton looks down at the water below and notices a piece of driftwood (84). This driftwood symbolizes a chance of escape by floating in the water below. Upon realizing this chance, Peyton starts to hear something pounding. “Sharp, distinct, metallic percussion[s]” were coming from Peyton’s watch. These noises symbolize that time is running out for Peyton to make …show more content…

While there are lots of irony examples in the story, three stand out the most. Peyton calls himself a “student of hanging” (84). This is ironic because Peyton is the man being hung in the story. Ironically, Peyton is being hung on the bridge that he planned to burn down; Farquhar was talked into sabotaging the bridge by a federal scout (84). It is also ironic that Peyton thinks he is performing a successful escape(88). In the couple of seconds before he was hanged, Peyton imagined himself escaping from the dreaded ropes that bound his neck and wrists (85). At the end of the story, however, Peyton is hanged and no escape actually happened

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