Ambiguity In The Birthday Girl By Haruki Murakami

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Magical realism uses ambiguity to let the reader expand his imagination and decide for themselves the outcome of the story. Magical realism is a way of writing that presents fictional occurrences as an everyday part of life. They treat things that we don't see in reality, and never explain it so that the readers decide for themselves; what really happened. Uncertainty leads to curiosity, and the curiosity is what makes a story better.
Ambiguity also helps authors like Haruki Murakami to steer the reader's train of thought to where they want it to be. That is why ambiguity is used in magical realism to help the author, and make the story better.
Authors use ambiguity to steer the readers thought. In the story birthday girl, the birthday girl …show more content…

After the person asked the birthday girl what she wished for, the birthday girl's answer was; “I'm married now, to a CPA three years older than me. And i Have two children, a boy and a girl. We have a irish setter. I drive a audi, and i play tennis with my girlfriends twice a week. That's the life i'm living now.” She never answers the question if it came true or not. But she instead told the person about her life. This is important because it shows how the author wants you to figure it out for yourself. And it is interesting because when she described her life that was the was the only clue we got as to what she wished for and if it came true or not. And the second clue she gave us for if the wish worked …show more content…

I still have a lot of living left to do, probably I haven't seen how things work out to the end.” She responds with yes or no, so we don’t know the answer to the question, then she said said she hasn't seen how things work out to the end. This shows that he never really answers the question in the story but he leaves clues for the readers to put the pieces together for themselves. This is important because it proves my point on how the author leaves it for you to decide. And it makes the story more interesting because you get to figure out the ending for yourself.

In Conclusion the overall point of this was to show how magical realism uses ambiguity to let you figure out life in your own way. This matters today because you need to figure things out for your own, so that you can get the best experience out of life.
In a video game, if you hack your way all the way to max level, you won’t be as satisfied as a person who leveled up the legit way. You won’t feel as accomplished, and you would not get the most out of the experience. This is the same for the story birthday girl, where the author gave us no answers so that we would get the most out of the story. And with ambiguity you have the freedom. The freedom to tell your

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