Alzheimer's Wandering

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Alzheimer's disease is a serious neurological disorder that slowly causes patients to lose their memories and their identities. In time, the patient dies, but before that occurs, there are many different symptoms that can appear. One common symptom of Alzheimer's is wandering. Family members and/or caregivers need to understand what causes wandering and what steps they can take to prevent wandering to ensure the safety of their sick loved ones. What is Wandering? Wandering is walking away from home or wandering around places once familiar. As the disorder continues to rob a person of his memories, the patient becomes increasingly disoriented, sometimes even in his own home. This disorientation leads to further walking as the person tries to remember where he is or where he is going. Why Alzheimer's Patients Wander …show more content…

She may be looking for a bathroom, a familiar place, or a family member or friend. The problem is that the person has forgotten how to locate a bathroom, or is in new surroundings and doesn’t know where anything is. For some people stress or anxiety also leads to wandering. Wandering may also be the result of restlessness or boredom. The Dangers of Wandering The main problem of wandering is that it can lead to your loved one getting lost. Her wandering can take her far away from home. When outdoors, the patient becomes scared and is often unable to care for herself. This means your loved one may be unable to find shelter, food or water or to ask for assistance. While disoriented and away from home, an Alzheimer's patient may become dehydrated, or suffer heat stroke or hypothermia depending on the weather. Getting hit by a car is another possibility because the person forgets how to cross the street. Other dangers include tripping and falling, sometimes in remote areas. Preventing

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