Always Running Summary And Analysis

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The gang delinquency among lower class youth (minorities) in Always Running contributes to the strain theory. Shepard says that, “According to Merton’s strain theory, deviance is most likely to occur when there is a discrepancy between a culturally prescribed goal and a legitimate means of obtaining it. The resulting strain leads some people to engage in deviant behavior” (Shepard, p.175). The goal in Luis’ society is financial success among the youth minorities, but their educational system prevents them from doing anything except blue-collar jobs. “The school separated these two groups (upper class whites and Asians from Mexicans) by levels of education: The professional-class kids were provided with college-preparatory classes; the blue-collar students were pushed into …show more content…

It was harder to defy this expectation than just accept it and fall into the trappings. It was a jacket I could try to take off, but they kept putting it back on. The first hint of trouble and the preconceptions proved true. So why not be proud? Why not be an outlaw? Why not make it our own?” (Rodriguez, p.168). He was already labeled as deviant, so he decided to live his life and identity around it. Luis’ brother José, nicknamed Rano, decides that he will not fit into this stereotype. “While Joe amounted to something, to Mama I turned out to be a smudge on this earth, with no goals, no interests except what got puked up from the streets” (Rodriguez, p.256). Luis discovered he had more to offer than violence and drug use, he decides to better his life through writing and painting murals. His community opens community centers for Sangra and the Lomas areas. “The centers offered dropout programs, welfare assistance, federal job placements, teen mother day care and places for young people to hang out” (Rodriguez, p.218). The community centers force the teens to conform to societal norms by doing the right thing, such as working hard for their success and making a name for

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