Aluquin's Epilogue To Oedipus The King

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The Aluquin’s He runs to the Monument. “Alex” called out Nick. “I’m busy right now. I have important news for the governor.” replied Alex. Alex was the governor’s scout, appointed by the government to gather information about the enemy's position, strength, and movements. Alex twisted and turned around the tightly compact buildings. He knew every nook and cranny of the city there was. He also was acquainted with everyone in the city. He had to be. Scout’s were very important for the city, considering it was one of the only cities left. Enemies always tried to take it down, but Alex was the best scout the city had. His memory allowed him to remember the little details he saw, and discover the enemy's plans. Alex had discovered something important. Now, he must tell the governor before it is too late. …show more content…

He ran up the flights of stairs to get to the governor's office. Opening the doors, Alex yelled “Governor, I have discovered something by the lower gate.” “What is it?” asked the Governor. “Some guerrillas are going to try and take down our defenses tomorrow at dawn.” replied Alex. “Thank you for letting me know Alex, I always know I can trust you. How did you come about this information?” asked the governor. “A group of scavengers saw a strange man wandering outside the wall. He was wearing the Aluquin badge.” replied Alex “When he thought he was alone, he made a phone call saying it would take about 30 men and to regroup at dawn tomorrow. I personally know the man who gave me this information. He can be trusted.” The governor then dismissed

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