Allusion Of Harrison Bergeron

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Symbolism and Allusion Harrison Bergeron, The Lottery, and 2BRO2B are all short stories with good symbolism and allusion. To sum up symbolism, it is when an object, person, or the setting represents something in the story. But for allusion it is when the author references something we already know. Today you’ll see some symbolism that is found throughout all of these stories.

In Shirley Jackson’s short story, “The Lottery”, she uses a lot of symbolism. If you have not read the story yet, every year people take place in “the drawing of death” i would call it. Everyone meets in town and draws a card from the box. When people start to arrive, they see all of the stones and rocks. These stones and rocks symbolise the death of a person. Once everyone gets to the area they draw. The box that is used has been symbolised as recurrence because they have used it every time. So now as the people go up to draw, they open all the cards at the end, and whoever ends up with the black dot (which symbolises death) on there card dies. Now onto Harrison Bergeron. …show more content…

In this story Vonnegut describes Harrison as a tall, strong, and intelligent man. Right then you think of the hulk right? Well she might be alluding to the hulk. Then if you are not average you have to have these things called “handicaps” and they are used as symbolism in this story for holding you back from your abilities. Harrison gets taken away from his family by the government because he is “dangerous” to the people when he is really just all around better. Soon after he gets taken he busts out. This is a symbol of freedom. Finally,

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