Allen Ginsberg Howl Analysis

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A Howling Political Outburst
Imagine a world where it was acceptable to express all of your thoughts and feelings without worrying about what others thought of you. Sadly, that kind world is only real in our imagination. We live in a world where freedom of speech exists, yet we’re part of a society that prevents us from freely expressing ourselves. And I truly believe that is what makes people go insane because they have to keep the things they want to speak about inside their heads. Or of course, turn to writing a book or poem just like Allen Ginsberg. After reading “Howl,” I’ve come to a conclusion that Ginsberg was a mad man stuck in a cruel some world that prevented him from being him. “Howl” was a political outburst and protest in poetry …show more content…

He admits to using those drugs in Part I and greatly shows proof with the descriptive and creative language he uses. When you look at his word choice you get a sense of getting lost in a false reality, a reality he wished existed instead of the one he had to live through. Which would explain why as you read through Part I, you are now going on a road trip with Ginsberg and the Beats all over the United States. Witnessing and experiencing life under the influence and life not under the influence. For example line 59, “who barreled down the highways of the past journeying to each other’s hotrod-Golgotha jail-solitude watch or Birmingham jazz incarnation” (Ginsberg, 17), illustrates life in the fast lane and using road trips as a way of escape from the reality they refuse to be a part of while of course high. Then we have line 60 where Ginsberg and the Beats “drove crosscountry seventytwo hours to find out if [he] had a vision or [they] had a vision to find out Eternity” (Ginsberg, 17). Ginsberg and the Beats just drove across country three days straight in hopes that someone in the car would have some kind of spiritual vision about Eternity. A place where Ginsberg and the Beats can remain existence for an endless amount of time without the feeling of

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