All Saints Day Research Paper

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The Three Amigos: All Saints' Day, Día de Los Muertos, and Halloween
Three completely different yet similar holidays all fall around the same time. All Saints'
Day and Día de Los Muertos are on November 1, and Halloween is on October 3 l. Most people celebrate at least one of these holidays. Catholics and some Christians celebrate All Saints' Day.
Most people, in America at least, celebrate Halloween. Día de los Muertos is most prominently celebrated in Mexico and other Spanish speaking countries. Though these holidays seem to have no similarities, there might be more than you think.
All Saints' Day is a Catholic Holy Day of Obligation that always falls on November first.
If it falls on a Sunday, and you do not have a valid excuse to …show more content…

Halloween is a secular holiday but is generally celebrated by most religions as a community based day to dress up and have fun.
Halloween is also a big day for consumers; over two billion dollars are spent every year on the costumes alone, not to mention the four billion dollars of candy bought. It is second only to
Christmas in the sense of commercial profit.
Día de Los Muertos is celebrated the same day and the day after All Saints' Day,
November first and second. It is mostly celebrated by Mexicans, but Latin America and Spain also celebrate the holiday. The main purpose of Día de Los Muertos is to honor and celebrate the dead. It is considered insulting to mourn over the deceased on Día de Los Muertos, so the day is dedicated to parties and festivals to commemorate the dead. Customs that are observed by most who celebrate the day include decorating an altar, cleaning gravesites, storytelling, and making and placing food and water on the graves for passing spirits just as the Celts did during their celebration of Samhain. Altars honoring the deceased can be made of any combination of candles, flowers, pictures, food, water, statues, and incense. Gravesites are respectfully

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