All Kids Have The Right To Go To School

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I believe good education is when all kids have the right to go to school. In the past everyone didn't believe that every kid had the right or opportunity to go to school. Many people had to go through things so not just certain people can go to school but that means that anyone and everyone can go to school. Leaders in our lifetime are the reason why we are able to get the same education that the other students next to me are getting.

Meanwhile, state and local laws protect students against discrimination in education based on sexual orientation or disability, including pregnancy and hiv status. All schools may not have academic courses that are just for boys or just for girls, because both the constitution and federal law require that boys and girls also be with equal opportunities. Even when it comes to sports, schools have to provide students of both sexes the chance to participate in particular …show more content…

What I found out is that it is the job of the public schools to teach you to speak english and to provide you with a good education in other subjects while you are learning. Students who do not speak english have the right to require the school district to provide them with bilingual education or english language instruction or both. What is your right to equality in education? When it comes to participate in this we may lose them, like the freedom of speech but it’s okay when they're teaching you life skills, the best thing to do is just be quiet and learn. Do all kids have the right to an equal education? I found out that all kids living in the United States have the right to a free public education. The constitution requires that all kids be given equal educational opportunity no matter what their race, ethnic background, religion, or sex , whether they are rich or poor, citizen or noncitizen. That means even if you are in this country illegally, You have the right to go to public

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