Essay On Alicia Gatter

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Alicia Garza is a modern day Black History hero in the making. Alicia is the cofounder of the world renowned movement called #BlackLivesMatter. This movement all started with a hash tag on a social media post that Alicia had posted herself after the verdict of the Treyvon Martin case. This movement has inspired thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of people across the world to stand up for black lives and rights for minorities in general. This movement does not single out just black lives but it includes all people of color and sexual orientation. Alicia is an inspiration to me because she has given birth to a greater voice. This voice is not just one person but many at one time. This voice fights for equality for people of color no matter if it is in the court system or in the school system this movement fights for it all. Many people think that #BlackLivesMatter is against the white …show more content…

The hard work, effort, and dedication that Alicia Garza and her team has put in to keep this movement progressing and alive is astounding and they have had endless support and donations as small and simple as people coming out and joining in to help at gatherings. This entire movement is inspirational because it gives others, like myself, the courage to standup for themselves, their people, and their beliefs without having the thought of being shunned or having to stand alone, there is always someone fighting for the same thing you are even if you do not realize it. Race relations in the United States right now are in a very rocky place so to have a movement so big with so many people involved makes people, including myself, feel good about what is going on in the world and how I and others can join in and

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