Alfred Burton Descriptive Writing

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I imagined all those aboard, including himself, would perish, condemned to where all sailors feared the most, Davy Jones locker.
Sails began to rip from the immense power of the horrific wind. An earsplitting crack captures the attention of all on deck. Worried eyes watched as the main mast tumbled to the side, plunging into the sea. The violent rocking motion caused the mast to snap at its base.
Its sails expanded rapidly catching the movement of destructive waves, toppled over, but not entirely free of the ship battered about in hostile waves. The constant hammering of waves against the crippled mast and sails forced the ship to list alarmingly to the starboard side, ship in danger of capsizing.
The brave men of the crew rushed to the damaged mast with axes in hand to free it from the ship. As a …show more content…

Their elderly eyes revealed the affection still burning. The couple on their way back home to Middlesex on the outskirts of London, having spent a month with relatives in Georgia departed from many a loved one. Their aged bodies, no longer able to handle the harsh, bitter cold of a Georgia winter as it approaches. Along with hopes of avoiding the rough winter storms at sea.
His discussion concluded Samuel strolled over to the pompous young man proudly going by the name of Alfred Burton III, asked if he would discuss the storm. Dealing with his fears, he happily accepted.
I have to admit his dark-brown hair, and handsome features made him extremely attractive, from what he conveyed and judging by his attitude. He never worked a day in his life, born of an affluent cotton producer, on his way to London for a well-deserved vacation. Where he’ll, mingle with young ladies from the upper class. Gloat about his marvelous life.
Samuel saw the arm of her brother around her, asked Elizabeth and Jacob if they had a minute to talk, both politely

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