Albert Ellis Theory

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“Men are disturbed not by things, but by the view which they take of them” – Epictetus Albert Ellis had a rough childhood. He was hospitalized for a number of times since the age of five, facing multiple severe diseases, and was evidently neglected by his parents. His father was a businessman; always away from home for business trips, and his mother was described as a self-absorbed woman; barely pay any attention to her children. At the age of twelve, Ellis found out that his parents divorced. So when he became remarkably independent ever since a very young age, it was hardly surprising. He grew up well, despite his surroundings – making him holding onto a belief. A belief highly influenced by a statement made by the Stoic Greek Philosopher, Epictetus; perception is the cause to psychological disturbances. Ellis starts his counselling career by practicing psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic therapy (1947-1953), but become dissatisfied with it over the years. He claimed that this technique does not bring the necessary improvement to the patients and at times, they often seem to get worse than better. Ellis wants to treat patients to the end of it – giving no space for any fall back to disturbances. He disagrees when psychotherapist only eliminates the symptom without giving further preventions on having disturbances in the future time. Raised with more questions in tackling the problems in patients, Ellis decided to went back to the field that he had interest in since he was 16; philosophy. He starts to adopt philosophical thinking in his therapy method and later on designed Rational Emotive Behavioural Theory (REBT). REBT sees human capable of both rational and irrational thoughts (Corsini and Wedding, 1989). These irrational ... ... middle of paper ... ..., Ellis doesn’t put it completely on the clients to figure out their problems. Ellis offers his opinion on the client’s problem and provides ways to change themselves. Unlike Beck too, Ellis refuses to approach the clients with support and acceptance as he doesn’t want patients to feel like as if their therapist are being nice because they are behaving appropriately; as if the therapist have a certain expectation from the client. Ellis prefers to build the therapeutic relationship with patient in a more confronting way. This approaching method are always seen as harsh, gaining critics especially to those who stereotypes therapy session as clients seeking comfort and support – not being scolded and told how to change their way of viewing life. Though it is believed as the time goes on, REBT practitioner is not as vigorous as Ellis does when confronting with clients.

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