Alaska's Last Oil Documentary Analysis

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The documentary, 'Alaska's Last Oil', tells the story of a company that is desperate to drill for oil in the Antarctic Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) in Alaska. The company doesn't seem concerned about the environmental or human impact of its actions. The US government is planning to authorise the company to drill for oil. If it does this it is also responsible for the consequences. The drilling will destroy the fragile habitat which supports many endangered species. We all have an interest in this issue. While the oil the industry extracts is used to power the things we need in our everyday lives, it also pollutes the Earth and ads to global warming. The company says that drilling in this wildlife reserves is the only solution to oil shortages claiming: "the easy pockets around the world have already gone." They claim we are running short of oil and this is the only answer. It is not entirely true to say there are no other oil sources. There are but they are often in countries which are not friendly to the USA …show more content…

NASA have done studies to prove that the sun is going to be around for 6.5 billion years, so why waste it. This means we have plentiful energy sources we just need people and governments to invest in it. So therefore solar is the only resort; the best resort that our country, world and universe can have. Solar has incredible potential for our nation. We just need to know how and when to use it. If we turn to solar energy as our main energy source provider our world as we know it won't be disappearing. This solution will minimise greenhouse gasses like carbon dioxide which is released into the atmosphere, this will decrease our dependency on fossil

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