Alan Gratz's Prisoner B-3087

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I am reading a novel by Alan Gratz. It is called Prisoner B-3087, and it is based on a true story! Prisoner B-3087 is about a kid who gets sent off to be a slave by the Nazis (Yanek). Yanek is all by himself in World War 2, no one to lean on, and no one to ask for help. I can not explain in words how happy yanek is to be alive. Yanek is starving, and thirsty, but he does not know how much time he has. Does yanek have what it take to make it through without losing his will to live, and his sense of who he really is inside. You are going to have to read Prisoner B-3087 to find out if he really has it in him. I recommend the book to all kids and parent 11 to 100 it is a great story. You will love it so much that you will not put the book down.

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