Ajax Count The Devil's Tramping Ground Research Paper

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In North Carolina, a state known for quirky local legends like the Brown Mountain Lights or the Beast of Bladenboro. In fact, in the western part of the state, and specifically in the Appalachians, superstition and old wife’s tales are so deeply ingrained into people that it is common place to believe in ghost and otherworldly beings. Every single town in North Carolina has at least one haunted place, or has had an inhabitant experience a ghostly encounter. These legends are a sense of pride and are most often told not around a campfire but through a dramatic play or most commonly, through song. Folk songs are widely popular in the smaller towns, and even with the rise in modern music every good ol’ country son or daughter has heard a song dealing with a local superstition. In Chatham …show more content…

It's said that there is where The Devil himself walks at night. It is a perfectly round circle somewhere around forty feet in diameter in the extensive pine woods. In the past few hundred years nothing has grown within this circle, not a single tree, nor a flower, not even a blade of grass will grow within the circle’s limits. The area around the circle is full of pine trees and plenty of underbrush, yet within the circle nothing grows. And, what's potentially stranger is that any object left in the circle overnight, come morning it will have either been moved outside of the circle or disappeared completely. Dogs will tuck their tails between their legs and whimper when brought near the circle, they will dig their heels into the sand, and outright refuse to go into the circle. Many people will try to spend the night in the circle, and while they set up camp in the circle they will either leave before the night is through, or will have been moved outside of the circle. It is said that every night just after dusk the circle opens up and forms a gate to hell, and from it the Devil himself

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