The Causes And Effects Of Air Pollution In Ghana

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Air pollution come about when gaseous particles, particulate matter, smoke or odor are introduced into the earth’s atmosphere in ways that make these particles harmful to living things. This harmful condition occurs because the air becomes unclean (Doršner, 2016). Some of the main air pollutants in Ghana include Dust (particulate matter), nitrogen dioxide, and Sulphur dioxide. The causes of air pollution include burning fossil fuels, agricultural practices that pollute the environment with pesticides, fertilizers and insectidies, mining operations, and exhaust from factories and industries (Dorsner, 2016).
WHO (1999) defines dust as solid particles …show more content…

It penetrates into the gas exchange region of the lungs and are generally beyond the body 's natural clearance mechanisms of cilia and mucous. They are retained and are therefore the most hazardous particulate size.
Any of the above dust can originate as dust in the environment (Ambient dust) or dust in the work place (Occupational dust). The potential of dust particles to cause occupational health and safety risks is dependent on the chemical composition, concentration and exposure time. Excessive or long term exposure to harmful respirable dusts may result in respiratory diseases, such as pneumoconiosis. This disease is caused by the build-up of metallic or mineral dust particles in the lungs and the tissue reaction to their presence.

Ambient Air Quality (Dust, SO2 and NO2) The Ghana EPA (EPA, n.d.) has a set of guidelines applicable to industry including mining in Ghana. Table 2.1 provides ambient guidelines for various air quality parameters and their …show more content…

The roads are untarred and vehicular movements raise the airborne dust level, and could possibly be a reason for dust, especially PM10 level > EPA guideline. Fiadzegbe is located near the untarred haulage road connecting the Plant site and the Administration area. Particulate emissions created by vehicular movement along the haul road may have contributed to the dust levels recorded in this village. The high PM10 level could possibly be due to finer particulate matter being airborne for considerable time and therefore collected by the sampling equipment. Other areas such as Atunsu, Boabeduru, Kwakawkaw and Obenemase which recorded lower dust concentrations could be due to less frequent transportation and absence of dust generating activities. At Obenemase for example the roads are paved and there were no observable activities that could generate significant airborne dust.
Furthermore, dust control measures such as road watering at the Administration area for example suppress dust, which reflects in lower dust levels

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