Aha Moments In Vietnam

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Thanhha Lai used aha moments in order to show character development. The first aha moment is during the time while Ha and her family are fleeing from Vietnam. While she lived in Vietnam, there were many bombings and much poverty. Her family was poor, but Ha didn’t mind it because it meant she could stay in South Vietnam as long as it survived due to the cost of fleeing from the country. But once North Vietnam has crashed tanks through the governmental buildings, everyone is forced to leave. So this entry is while Ha and her family are on the ship leaving Vietnam Behind. “After two weeks at sea// the commander calls// all of us above deck// for a formal lowering of// our yellow flag// with three red stripes.// South Vietnam no longer exists” (Lai 85). This is when Ha realizes that she no longer has a home. Her home has been taken over by North Vietnam and she and family are in tragedy. …show more content…

She was very intelligent back in South Vietnam where she understood the language and culture of her peers and teacher. In her classroom at school, the rude bully she is being bullied by is up at the chalkboard trying to do math that he just can’t figure out. “Pink Boy// stands at the board.// He can’t multiply 18 by 42.// I go to the board,// chalk the answer// in five moves.// My cheekbones lift// to the ceiling// until I see horror// on the faces// of Pem and SSsi-Ti-Van” (Lai 187). This shows character development because it shows how Ha is so used to how things were done at her old home, she doesn’t understand how people in her new home act. So her brain and body are developing to her new

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