Aging Interview

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To learn aging process more, I interviewed an older woman on Sept. 10, 2015. She is 72 years old living in an urban area with her husband, and her initial is K. She does not hate aging, and she satisfies her life and her aging process. She is active, and she keeps her mentally fresh. The main discussion here is about physical changes caused by aging such as how she is aging, what she thought and when she realized. She said “I was and am aging in many aspects, so I could not remember everything, but I can tell you some impressive aging”.
Her Physical Aging Process
According to the textbook, people are more likely to define aging in terms of physical changes (Hooyman and Kiyak, 2011). She was same. The first time she felt that …show more content…

Particularly, she has felt out of breath when she goes up and down, and she thought that it became difficult to relieve her fatigue. She does not much about aging and medical difference by the age, but after she experienced menopause, it has increased to realize process of aging especially in the aspect of physical strength. For example, she became to get tired when she does things she used to do lightly such as cleaning, cooking, and shopping. When her children were being independent, her physical strength significantly decreased. She told me that it was because she moved her body for especially child-rearing, so after her children became independent, she had not …show more content…

She did not realize soon, but her husband told her. She vaguely had thought she would not get gray hair. She told me with a laugh. The reason she believed do is that her friends were earlier to get gray hair. Hooyman and Kiyak (2011) explain that some people might never get gray hair, but others might get gray hair in their 20s. During the same period, her food preference changed significantly. Her stomach became to have none of fatty food. In the concrete, she liked meats especially beef more than fishes, but now she is more likely to want to eat fishes than meats.
Her eyes became presbyopia when she was in her 50s. She always reads newspapers, so she noticed immediately the condition of presbyopia. She thought it is getting difficult to see characters. Also, currently, she got a cataract. Because of cataract, her sight is unclear, and a light dazzles her. The cataract disgusts her a lot, so she is thinking of having cataract surgery. Her family members are in anxiety about the surgery because she is old, but she says, “there is nothing to worry about. I do not think I am too old to have the surgery. I will live much

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