Agency Setting Analysis

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My Agency Setting and its Impact in My Practice: My supervisor (who is also the executive officer and licensed clinical social worker) emphasizes the agency’s functioning under a humanistic model that espouses a non-punitive and unconditionally welcoming environment. However, due to the legalistic nature of the agency serving primarily the well-being and change of mandated clients (i.e., clients who are either on parole or probation, and who have been formally incarcerated for short or extensive periods of time), it does not (and possibly cannot) use a Harm’s Reduction approach; instead, it champions a no-drug use, abstinence-only policy, but is not directly draconian to violators. Instead, warnings are given to clients who test positive during …show more content…

My being twenty-three years old, there was only a six year age difference; moreover, my overall physique and physical appearance is usually equated with that of a typical high school student and I was afraid I would be presenting myself that way during our first encounter. Age could affect the way the client perceives me and his willingness to stay committed to our work because he might believe that I am neither knowledgeable nor professional. My supervisor/clinical director diagnosed the client as having conduct disorder and generalized anxiety. Although the disorder is no longer in the DSM 5, conduct disorder is a precursory diagnosis for the more severe antisocial personality disorder. The client has unequivocally demonstrated antisocial behaviors, overall misconduct, acts of indecency, and violation of age-appropriate norms. Psychopathy and sociopathy are subsets of antisocial personality disorder and are commonly associated with impulsivity and irritability (frustration) which can be the prime source of the client’s generalized anxiety (neurologically/socially predisposed). People with conduct disorder are also habitual deceivers, which can be an obstacle at my attempt to trust-build. Another issue I would like to keep in mind is my obliviousness and general naiveté with his Afghani background. My cultural incompetence can play be a contributor in our interactions together and may have the ability to influence my interactions with his mother if the situation demands. I would also like to stay attuned to my prejudices and biases regarding the client’s overall drug use. I do not have much experience working with patients with substance issues, and I grew up in society (South Korea) where illicit drug use necessitated severely draconian consequences; even to this day the stigma around drug-use is pervasive in South Korea. I believe some part of me still holds that preconception, and would view

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