Ageism In The Workplace Essay

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Age discrimination, also known as ageism refers to the actions taken to deny or limit opportunities to people on the basis of age. Age discrimination is most commonly seen in the workplace. There is a common misconception that ageism refers only to seniors or older people, however it does apply to youth and adolescents as well. It can have a very negative affect on people as they may not be able to earn an honest living while being discriminated against based strictly on their age. Even though discriminating on the basis of age is illegal in Canada, employers still discretely hire and fire based on age. An employer may look for a middle-aged person rather than someone who is “too young” or “too old”. There are many stereotypes that may cause employers to look to hire a specific age group and they may even treat current employees who do not fall into this group poorly. …show more content…

25 percent of people currently receiving employment insurance over age 45 are without work due to business conditions and the ability to find full-time work. Many employers believe that older employees lack creativity and the ability to be trained on new material. Employers do not want to spend time and money on training an older employee as they feel they may not retain information or they may not be an employee of their business long enough to benefit from training them. There is also a stereotype that employees over the age of 45 are “tired” and will not put out as much effort as a younger person may. For this reason, older employees who currently hold a position may be harassed out of their positions by wage cuts, decreased hours or forcing them into early retirement by threatening their

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