Age Proposal

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Proposal of Research Paper on Death and Age
I. Introduction- The overarching topic of the proposed research paper will be related to death and age. It's going to focus on the more specific side of how these deaths effect society. Not all death is weighted equally. This paper will go over why age has a very important role in determining the impact that the death will have on society. It primarily will talk about two age groups, the young people between the age of zero and fourteen years old, and the elderly who are typically sixty-five years old or older. The thesis for this research paper will be: Although the loss of any life burdens society, the death of the young and the old create the biggest impact on society. This statement best captures …show more content…

It will go in depth as to what age groups were the most common to die and why that was true. Then I will compare it to the modern era and explain why it is different. It's important to know all of these things because it will give a much greater understanding to what these deaths mean in relationship to age. I will use all this to then elaborate on the two age groups I am focusing on to better explain why they are so important. II.5 Importance of Topic- Why is it important that this paper is telling you about the impact of death for just these two age groups? Well that's because these two age groups reflect a lot about a population and these people carry a heavy burden that would cripple society if lost. So in the paper I intend to fully go over why these reasons are important and how knowledge in this area can really help gauge many things about society. II.6 Potential Audience- The people who are intended to read this research paper is anyone above a middle school reading level with an interest in death as it relates to age. Some example people that be interested in this paper might be hospice care workers or pediatricians as it gives their work a lot of value because they directly work with people in these age …show more content…

Problems- One immediate problems that can be foreseen for this research paper and that is lack of supporting evidence. This lack of evidence makes it hard to find information that will support my claims in the paper. So one way I have to combat this problem is to do some primary research. A simple survey will serve to further credit my claims. Another problem I foresee facing while doing this research paper is time. In order for this research paper to be at a level that will produce a good grade I'll have to devote many hours to it. The next couple of weeks will be busy test weeks that demand heavy studying in other classes. So in order to not create such a burden on myself I intend to have a start to a early draft done by the end of this week. That way I can spend my time studying for my other classes and just revise my research paper until I feel like it is at the point where it will get a good

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