Evolution of Slavery: From Native Americans to Africans

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The demand for cheap labor grew and with that the slave trade grew as well. Africans were well fitted for the cheap labor everyone was looking for and because of that they became the slaves of the 1500’s.
African Americans were the ideal slave. Europe used Native Americans for slaves at first. They were heathens, uncivilized, and not christian. Europeans saw them as threats and a good source for cheap labor, so they made them their slave. They were not well fit for slaves though. Natives had many problems and hardly any benefits. First Natives were not immune to many of the diseases down south and many of them died because of this. Native men also didn’t know how to farm because all of it was done by the females. Lastly they know the land so if they were to escape they could find their way and survive. The only plus was they were already in America and they didn’t need to be shipped overseas. Indentures were the next to do all the labor in America. Indentures are poor Europeans that wanted to become wealthy in America. But again they were not suited for the work. They had way more negatives to them then they did positives. Americans then tried African Americans and they were perfect for the labor. The only negative to them was the cost, but still the cost was very low. Other than that, Africans were resistant to tropical diseases, they had the knowledge to farm, and their …show more content…

People need cheap labor and African slaves were the answer. Natives slaves during this time were starting to die off and Europeans in both america and Europe need something else. They needed Africans. The Atlantic slave trade soon rose up and became a massive enterprise. Through the 1500 and 1600 almost 300,000 African slaves were brought to America. Through the next century that number rose to 1.3 million slaves. Slavery then spread all throughout America. Europeans started colonizing more part in America and their demand for

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