Aesthetic Expression Of A Koi Fish

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1. What creative work did you examine? Describe briefly and insert a photo or link that illustrates your example and/or provides more information. The creative work I examined was koi fish drawings and tattoos. There are many different type of koi fishes. Many people in Hawaii get tattoos of a koi fish.

2. What can we learn about Pacific Rim/Basin language and culture in this example of aesthetic expression? This example of aesthetic expression came from the country Japan. The koi fish was originated from there around the 1820’s. Japanese rice farmers kept them as food fish, but somewhere between the 1820s and 1830s, they began to breed some of the koi fish for aesthetic appeal. Although they originated from Japan the fish were used as the main subject in Chinese artwork and carvings and some Chinese rulers kept carp in captivity for their viewing pleasure. From the Japanese culture we can learn that the koi is a strong well known symbol used for artwork, clothing, tattoos and even live scenery. The koi fish has several lessons and even trials individuals often encounter in life. The koi fish has a powerful and energetic life force, demonstrated by its ability to swim against currents and even travel upstream. Some of the characteristics …show more content…

I thought it would be interesting to search up because everytime I go to Ala Moana shopping center I always stop by the pond to look at the beautiful colorful koi fishes. Everyone use to throw coins into the pond for good luck until scientist recently found out that pennies are not good for the fishes so then this tradition stopped. Also I chose this as my aesthetic expression because I remembered my teacher in elementary got a koi fish as a gift for the class. When a koi fish is given to someone as a gift it is known to bring good

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