Aeneid Vs China Prompt

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Identifying the Question The prompt places limitations of the time period and region of cultures. In the prompt, it specifies religion and religious ideology before 600 CE. Therefore, the writer must stay inside of a certain time period to correctly analyze the prompt. In addition, the prompt places limitations on civilizations. Throughout the world, there were many cultures integrated with religion, but the prompt asks the writer to only address such in the Roman and Chinese cultures. However, the writer has the opportunity to make choices regarding which influences of religion they discuss. The writer chooses what influences they compare and contrast, giving freedom to the topical structure of the essay.
Writing an Acceptable Thesis Thesis: Through comparison and contrast, religious influences create two distinct cultures in Rome and China before 600 CE. Religious, royal, and renowned works from Rome and China show how each society ran, leaving influences on citizens and showing different royal and ethical views in culture. Both societies were indebted to their rulers, working tirelessly for the empire’s glory. However, in China, the ruler was seen as the “Son of …show more content…

H- Written by Aeneid, the document reflects the foundation of Rome and the rise of Caesar. The time period shows the formations in 29-19 BCE.
I- This document is written for the Roman public, an entertaining work of history.
P- The author, Aeneid, wrote the document to provide a historical account of how Rome was created and the morals of its rulers.
P- This work could have been written to provide a story for the lower commoners to understand. In addition, it could have been written to tell others outside of the empire the complexity and power of the Roman Empire. The work also creates a special platform for Caesar, placing him above the rest of the Roman people.
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