Adversity Should Not Be Allowed In Sport

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When I hear the word participation trophy the image of my little league team and I walking off the field with trophies after not having won a single game the season immediately comes to my mind. I couldn't articulate the feeling then, but know I can confidently say I felt mocked it was patronizing and more humiliating than actually losing. I say this because being honest I knew we didn't deserve a trophy. There was not a single practice that my entire team showed too and when people did nobody, maybe excluding one or two kids, took practice seriously. In the end, many of those kid including myself lost out on learning valuable life lessons from our failure. It is my opinion that only handing out participation trophies for little leagues is …show more content…

Believe me with I say losing suck and is not fun, but it happens and for children, I believe it can be an experience that can hurt and damage a person or it can be an experience that can motivate them to do better in the future. Adversity is a part of life and as people get older it becomes more and more difficult to avoid. If we choose to protect our children from all unpleasant experiences it will only hurt them later in life and rob them from. For instance, after I joined a different league that didn't do participation trophies every time I lost had a choice to confront failures and push thru or quiet because I lost and it was difficult, I, of course, chose to keep playing, and in the end I feel like I am better off for it. Now when I’m faced with adversity in my life, like a difficult class in college, I now know and can push thru because I have developed the mental aptitude to push thru and succeed and not give up even though I may want to …show more content…

Let's be honest everyone likes to be right and we all love to doing well. In real life though, no one ever is perfect all the time and we all mess up and have people critique our actions and beliefs. But it's important to learn from these critics. It's important for children to learn from their failures. If a child loses a game and then gets participating trophy what did he learn. Participation trophies rob children of chances to learn how and experience criticism from many time someone who will be constructive and show them it can be good for a coach or a parent. Without these opportunities, children lose out on chances to learn how to learn from their failures rather than let their failure conquer them or stunt their growth. Criticism can be a powerful tool in life used to succeed but I can be crippling to children if they are don't know how to take it use it and apply it in their

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