Adversity Research Paper

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Sometimes adversity can change people in many various ways. Everyone responds to adversity in their own way, sometimes they soften and become weak , some form a shell around their emotion, and other times they turn the problem into something beautiful. I believe the way adversity affects you is based on your upbringing and the way you process obstacles throughout your life. There is no right or wrong way to deal with adversity, not everyone has the same background or issues. There’s a story that separates adversity into three categories; a carrot, an egg, and a coffee bean. I’ve came to the conclusion that I’m an egg.

Growing up in a big family I’ve always found it hard to express myself. It always seemed as if others problems were more important than my own, this is what caused me to have an egg-like outlook. When adversity presents itself to me I don’t know what to do with it, so I ignore it and mask my emotions. Masking how I felt always seemed easier for me; it made me tough and bitter on the inside and that’s how I coped. Being able to hide things and not be obvious on the outside soothed me. …show more content…

It’s easier for me to hide things and push it aside then it is for me to show anything and have to deal with the issue. Being like the egg, realizing hiding my emotions wasn’t the best coping method; but being able to not draw any attention to myself was my ticket

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