Advantages And Disadvantages Of Private Tuition Classes

750 Words2 Pages

Private tuition in Singapore is gaining more and more popularity among Singaporean. According to survey done, more than 90% of students are attending after-school tuition classes in both home based and private tuition centres, which leads to parents spending more an estimated of $680million on the industry. (M. Palatino. 2013/10/22. The Diplomat, “Singapore’s Tuition Industrial Complex”. Asean Beat.) This can become a concern for the public education considering the rate that the private tuition industry is growing at. Private tuition may be beneficial for students to most parents, it may cause more underlying disadvantages that many may not think of.
Although students may be the ones attending the after-school tuition classes, parents are usually the ones who make the decision. According to Daniel Wong, “If parents make their children go for tuition classes without also empowering them to take full responsibility for their own education, it's impossible for the children to become great students.” (W. Daniel. 2012/06/13. Yahoo! Singapore, “Real Reason Behind Singapore’s obsession with tuition”. Singapore Scene.) Parents may be putting on more pressure on the child instead of helping them to achieve greatness in their studies. Some parents are even sending their children who are doing very well academically for tuition classes.
I feel parents should not be sending their kids for private tuition just to enhance their learning or to give them an additional advantage over their peers. On the other hand, parents should take into considerations many other factors such as academic results, lifestyle, health and other factors before considering sending their children for additional classes. Parents should also seek the opinion of how the...

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...private tuition genuinely. I personally had to attend private tuition for mathematics in my primary school days. Not only did it not create unnecessary stress on me, it was effective in improving my grades tremendously. Thus private tuition will bring positive effect on both students and society if it is used when there is a genuine need for it.
In conclusion, private tuition can do either good or harm to both student and the society. It should only be applied when there is a genuine need for it. Parents are usually the ones who are in control, thus the onus is on the parents to determine whether their children genuinely needs private tuition. The right decision made by parents will not only be able to lower the risk of creating extra stress on their kids, it will also support the government’s effort to create a fair and equal education system for all Singaporean.

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