Advantages And Disadvantages Of Apples And Bricks Vs. Business

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Bricks and clicks Bricks are organisations or businesses which run at a shop, for example Morrison 's. Morrison 's is a brick because it doesn 't have an online trading market, and marketing is done face to face with customers at the store. Clicks are organisations or businesses that run online only. Their marketing can be done online via internet. Examples of click businesses are, Dell, Asos and Amazon. These are examples of click businesses because you are able to buy items online only. Click and bricks are organisations or businesses that run at a shop and also have an online trading market. Their marketing can be done face to face or online, which ever your preference is. Examples of click businesses are Tesco’s, Asda and Argos. These are examples of click and brick businesses because you are able to buy items online as well go to the shop to buy the items. Advantages of e-commerce …show more content…

This is because for example, if you buy a designer watch on an e-commerce site, you don’t know 100% if it’s original or not, which is why some customers don’t trust e-commerce sites. Also some customers have trust issues with e-commerce businesses because they think their personal details are not private. Customers also have issues when e-commerce sites personalise their usage of sites, by recommended other products, centred on what they purchased or searched for before. Lack of Human Contact This is also a disadvantage for e-commerce sites because customers cannot speak to anyone from the business, and prefer to shop in in stores, for this reason. Customers also like to physically see the item they are purchasing, however with e-commerce they are unable to do this. That is why there is a lack of human contact. Also if a customer wanted to buy clothes, in store they would be able to feel the quality and try it, but with e-commerce this is impossible. Delivery

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