Acute Coronary Syndrome Case Study

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After review of the clinical information provided by North Central Bronx Hospital, the Medical Director has denied your admission to North Central Bronx Hospital. It was determined that the clinical information did not justify an inpatient stay. Acute inpatient hospitalization was not medically necessary. You are a 56 year old female with complaints of worsening pressure-like chest pain on the left sided that radiated to your left arm and neck. The symptoms began when you were at rest and woke you from your sleep. Based on the Interqual guideline (a decision based program to determine medical need) criteria to for acute coronary syndrome the clinical guidelines were not met because troponins were negative, there was no diagnostic testing such as a stress test, or documentation of ischemia in the clinical information that was submitted. …show more content…

You could have been treated symptomatically while awaiting test results. Consultation with other healthcare professionals could also have been done in observation. There was no hemodynamic (blood), pulmonary (lung) or metabolic (chemical process) measurement or physical exam result that justified the need for acute inpatient level of care. You could have been kept in observation according to guidelines as there was no electrocardiogram (recording of your heart activity) change and there were no positive biomarker tests (blood tests for the heart) or other finding that would require admission to acute care. Also there was no planned intervention that would have required an acute inpatient level of care. With negative test results for an acute cardiac or other event the member could have been discharged from observation with ambulatory plan of

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