Act 1 as an Effective Opening to Hamlet by William Shakespeare

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Act 1 as an Effective Opening to Hamlet by William Shakespeare

The play Hamlet is a dramatic love story written by William

Shakespeare. It is set in the late sixteenth century. Most scenes take

place in the grounds of the Danish castle at Elsinore. The play has

many characters, and the main ones are members of the royal family or

were close to them. It is a very long, complicated story that twists

into a tragic end.

The main characters are Hamlet, Gertrude, Claudius, King Hamlet,

Polonious and his two children, Laertes and Ophelia. In this essay I

will be analyzing and discussing the opening scenes of Hamlet and the

use of dramatic effects and techniques. The main themes I will be

looking for are appearance and reality.

Scene I introduces an effective opening to the play. The scene is set

at the castle grounds of Elsinore. It is bitterly cold "Tis bitter

cold, and I am sick at heart" and it is twelve o'clock "Tis now struck

twelve". This creates an effective opening, as we know it will be

dark, and nighttime is useful for portraying supernatural or evil

occurrences. The audience will there for be prepared or expecting a

supernatural being. The use of short, snappy sentences indicates a

mood of fear, as if the characters are unsure of what is happening.

This would be dramatic for an audience as it creates a large amount of

instant suspense.

The guards start talking about strange occurrences "What has the thing

appeared again tonight?" They claimed to have seen a ghost "What we

have two nights seen", but Horatio was sceptic, and didn't believe in

ghosts until he saw them "Tush, tush, twill not appear". This brings a


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audience and the characters. This is why Shakespeare is so clever with

his works, as he can play with them mind of the audience through the

use of acting. The whole theme of appearance and reality relates

throughout the whole of the play, as each character hides many secrets

that are all unfolded at the end. Most appearance that are put on,

relate around Hamlet. For example, Claudius and Gertrude (who are

spying themselves) pay some old school friends of Hamlet to spy on

him. Hamlet soon uncovers what they were up to. This theme of

appearance and reality relates to many deaths as well. The play

finishes up with all the main characters dead, due to conspiracy

behind characters backs, that, only the audience knew about. This in

turn with deception created a perfect atmosphere of tension,

expectancy and anxiety.

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