Acid Rain Essay

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Acid rain is becoming an increasing dilemma due to pollution made from erupting volcanoes, rotting vegetation, and most importantly, the burning of fossil fuels. It has been linked to the corruption of lakes and streams, a decrease in fish and wildlife populations, and human health risks. Not only does it endanger aquatic fish and wildlife but acid rain is also known for the destruction of man-made structures. This phenomenon is becoming a growing concern as the consequences of human pollution are being observed through it. Although the results of acid rain cannot be negated, there are precautions that can be taken in order to prevent further destruction of the environment.
"Acid rain describes any form of precipitation with high levels of nitric and sulfuric acids. It can also occur in the form of snow, fog, and tiny bits of dry material that settle to Earth." (Howard, 2014). The pH of pure water is 7 and, naturally, the pH of rain water is slightly acidic; usually around a 6 on the pH scale. Rain is considered acid rain when its pH is lower than 5.6. Acid rain is not acid falling from the sky like some people seem to assume. It is rainfall that is mixed with elements and gases that then cause the moisture to become more acidic than usual. The release of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are the result of the combustion of fossil fuels and, therefore, two of the primary chemicals found in the production of acid rain. "It is thought that acid rain began around 1950 to 1955 in the Northeastern United States" (Likens, 1996).
In the Earth's atmosphere, volatile gases mix with the air. The most common of these volatile gases are sulfur oxides and nitrogen. Sulfur and nitrogen oxides are continuously increasing due to human poll...

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...could conserve energy to prevent acid rain. The less electricity used in homes, the less chemicals power plants will be able to emit. Unfortunately, even if the production of acid rain were able to be stopped today, it would still take many years to for the harmful effects of it to disappear from our already damaged ecosystem.
Acid rain is a continually growing concern each year as researchers discover more harm on the environment caused by this phenomenon. Although individuals are more than willing to point out the damage done from this, they are not as willing to actually take action to prevent it from happening. Acid rain is just one of the many incidents caused from human pollution that is quickening the destruction of Earth. Get up, conserve electricity, recycle, walk somewhere instead of drive, and save the Earth before there is nothing left to be saved.

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